Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this here thing, this “should I stay in this relationship quiz.” I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the general store the other day. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I reckon some folks might find it useful. It’s like tryin’ to figure out if a cow’s gonna give milk just by lookin’ at its tail. But hey, if you are thinkin’ you wanna know, then go on and find out I guess.

Now, I ain’t no expert on these newfangled things. Back in my day, you just knew if a relationship was good or not. You didn’t need no quiz to tell ya. If he brought you flowers and didn’t drink all his wages, he was a keeper. If she could cook a good stew and didn’t gossip too much, well, she was alright. This quiz thing is supposed to tell you if you should stay or go? I can tell you that by looking at you and the other one.
- Is he good to ya?
- Does she make ya happy?
- Do you fight like cats and dogs?
See? Simple questions. If he’s mean, you leave. If she’s always naggin’, you pack your bags. This relationship quiz is probably gonna ask you all sorts of silly questions. Like “What’s his favorite color?” or “What’s her dream vacation?” What does that have to do with anythin’? I don’t know. It sounds like a waste of time to me. If you love someone, you love someone. If you don’t, you don’t. If you have to take a quiz to figure out if you should stay, then you already know the answer, don’t ya?
I remember when my Millie, bless her soul, was courtin’ old Jebediah. He was a good-lookin’ fella, but he had a temper. And he liked his drink a little too much. She was always cryin’ about somethin’ he did. We told her, “Millie, leave him!” No quiz needed. And you know what? She finally did. Found herself a good man after that. Someone who treated her right. Someone who cherished her. That’s what you want in a relationship. Someone who’s gonna be there for ya, through thick and thin.
This quiz might tell you to stay. It might tell you to go. But it ain’t gonna tell you what’s in your heart. Only you know that. Only you know how that other one makes you feel. Listen to your gut, they say. Your gut usually knows what’s right. Mine’s always right about when it’s gonna rain. I can’t say it’s been right about any relationships, though.
Some folks say these quizzes are fun. Like a game. Maybe they are, I don’t know. I’d rather play checkers. This relationship quiz is probably all numbers and scores and stuff, I reckon. “If you scored between 10 and 20, you should stay.” “If you scored below 10, you should leave.” It’s like gradin’ eggs. Love ain’t like that.

This relationship quiz will ask you about your feelings. It will ask about your partner. It will ask you if you are being your “true self.” What does that mean? You’re just you. You know if you love this person or not. You can feel that deep down in your bones. You do not need some test to tell you that. They say the quiz helps you understand. I say life helps you understand.
- Do you care for this person?
- Do they care for you?
- Do you see a future together?
- Is there respect?
- Do you think your effort will be received?
- Do they want to be with you?
Now they have 20 questions or something. I can ask you all those questions. I can tell you if your relationship will last by looking at you two. It’s a gift, I tell you. If you need 20 questions to figure this out, you’re in trouble already, I’d say. If he don’t care for ya, what’s the point? If she don’t respect ya, why stay? It ain’t rocket science. It’s just common sense. Something these young folks seem to be lackin’ these days.
This should I stay in this relationship quiz might be popular. Everyone’s always lookin’ for answers. Lookin’ for someone to tell ’em what to do. But the answers ain’t out there. They’re in here. In your heart. In your gut. So, if you’re thinkin’ about takin’ this quiz, I say go ahead. Might be a good laugh. But don’t take it too seriously. The real answers, they come from within. And from just livin’ life, day by day. That’s the best quiz there is.
When you’re old like me, you’ll know. You’ll have seen it all. The good and the bad. The love and the heartbreak. And you’ll know that no quiz can tell you what your heart already knows. You just know if it is a good relationship. You don’t need a quiz to know the answer. Just like you know when a storm’s comin’. You just feel it in your bones. It is that simple.
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