Okay, so, this is a bit of an embarrassing story, but I think it’s important to share. It’s about that time I left my menstrual cup in for way too long. You know, life gets crazy, and sometimes you just, well, forget.

It all started like any other day. I popped in my cup in the morning, went about my usual routine – work, errands, the whole shebang. Everything was fine and dandy, I even forgot I was on my period, which is usually the goal, right?
Fast forward to, uh, well over 24 hours later. I suddenly remembered the cup, and I was like, “Oh crap.” I rushed to the bathroom, panicking a little, but tried to stay calm. I followed the removal steps. Okay, no big deal, right? Just a bit longer than usual.
But then I noticed it – a really strong, unpleasant smell. Not your typical period smell, something way more intense. Like, seriously funky. I immediately freaked out a bit. I rinsed the cup, but the smell was still there, lingering like an unwelcome guest. This is when I knew I messed up bad.
So I grabbed some mild soap and washed the cup thoroughly, like really scrubbed it. But guess what? The smell was still hanging around. Now I was seriously concerned. I decided to boil it, hoping that would kill whatever was causing that awful odor. I boiled it for a good 10 minutes, maybe even longer, just to be safe. It felt like I have waited for a long time.
After boiling, I carefully took the cup out and let it cool down. I nervously gave it a sniff, and… the smell was mostly gone. A huge relief. I still washed it again with soap after it cooled, just for good measure. At last, I finally did it!

Here’s what I learned from this whole ordeal:
- Set a reminder! Seriously, don’t rely on your memory, especially when life gets hectic.
- Don’t panic if you do forget. Just remove the cup as soon as you remember.
- Boiling is your friend. It’s the best way to sanitize the cup and get rid of any lingering smells or bacteria.
It was a pretty gross experience, but I’m sharing it because it’s a good reminder to be mindful of our bodies and practice good hygiene. Don’t be like me, don’t leave your cup in for too long! It’s just not worth the funky aftermath.
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