Alright, listen up, y’all. I’m gonna tell ya how to make this garlic tea, just like my grandma used to make it. It ain’t fancy, but it works, ya hear?

What you gonna need:
- Some garlic, like, three or four cloves, maybe more if they ain’t too strong.
- A cup of hot water, gotta be boilin’, mind ya.
- A little bit of lemon juice, if ya got some. Half a cup, they say, but I just squeeze a bit, ya know?
- Some honey, for sweetness. Again, half a cup if you’re fancy, but I just drizzle it in.
How to make this garlic tea: Now, this ain’t rocket science. You take them garlic cloves and smash ‘em up good. Don’t need no fancy tools, just use the back of a spoon or whatever you got handy. Crush ‘em real good, that’s the important thing.
Then, you dump them crushed garlic pieces into a cup. Pour that boiling water right over it. Hot water, real hot, that’s what gets the good stuff out of the garlic.
Now, you gotta let it sit a spell. They say ten minutes, but I usually just wait till it’s cool enough to drink. You can put a little somethin’ over the cup, like a saucer, to keep the heat in. Makes it steep better, I guess.
Once it’s cooled down a bit, you can add your lemon juice and honey. Stir it up good. The honey makes it taste better, ya know, ‘cause garlic tea by itself ain’t exactly tasty. The lemon, well, it adds a little somethin’ too.

And that’s it! You got yourself some garlic tea. Drink it down while it’s warm. It ain’t gonna win no beauty contests, but it’ll do ya good.
Why folks drink this garlic tea: Now, I ain’t no doctor, but folks say this garlic tea is good for ya. They say it helps with all sorts of things. Colds, coughs, you name it. My grandma used to say it cleans ya out, inside and out. I don’t know about all that, but it always made me feel better when I was feelin’ poorly.
Some folks drink it every day, just to stay healthy. I ain’t that dedicated, mind ya. I just drink it when I feel like I need a little somethin’ extra. You know, when you’re feelin’ run down or got a tickle in your throat.
Garlic tea is getting popular: Seems like more and more folks are hearin’ about this garlic tea these days. I guess they figured out what us old folks have known all along – that sometimes the simplest things are the best. You don’t need no fancy pills or potions, just a little bit of garlic and hot water.
You can find all sorts of recipes online, if you’re into that kinda thing. Some folks add ginger, some folks add cinnamon. Me? I stick to the basics. Garlic, water, lemon, and honey. That’s all you need, really.

Where to get what you need: You don’t need to go to no fancy health food store to get the stuff for garlic tea. Just go to your regular grocery store. They got garlic there, I guarantee it. And lemons, and honey. You probably already got most of it in your kitchen, to be honest.
If you’re growin’ garlic in your garden, that’s even better. Nothin’ beats fresh garlic, straight from the ground. Just dig it up, brush off the dirt, and you’re good to go. And if you got bees, well, then you got your honey covered too. Ain’t nothin’ better than homemade, that’s what I always say.
So, there ya have it. That’s how you make garlic tea. It ain’t hard, and it might just do ya some good. Give it a try, what’ve ya got to lose? Worst case scenario, you got a cup of tea that tastes a little funny. Best case scenario, you feel a whole lot better. Either way, it’s worth a shot, ain’t it?
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