Winter is coming, that cold wind, it blows right through ya! You know what I’m talking about, it gets cold down there too. Gotta keep things in order, if you know what I mean. That’s what I always say, gotta take care of yourself, especially in the winter. This winter vaginas thing, it’s a real problem.

First thing, you gotta eat right. Not that fancy stuff, just good, simple food. Like them bananas, and that oatmeal stuff. Good for your insides, good for down there too. I always say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Same goes for your body. That’s what keeps things working like they should. Eating good food, that’s important. I don’t know about “pre-bye-otics”, they said it feeds your good insides. You should eat it. Vaginal health is very important in winter.
And don’t go putting any of that smelly stuff down there! Makes me mad just thinking about it. You think you’re gonna smell like a summer day? No, ma’am. That stuff just messes things up. Just leave it be, that’s what I say. Clean and simple, that’s the way to go. It’s not good to use it. Just like the old folks always said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Some of them young’uns, they just don’t listen. Just let your vagina be. It can clean itself.
Gotta keep moving, too. Even when it’s cold. Don’t just sit around like a lump. Get up and do something! Walk around, sweep the floor, chase the chickens, whatever. Just keep that blood flowing. Good for your whole body, good for down there. Keeps things from getting stiff, you know? You don’t need no doctor to tell you that, just good old common sense.
- Eat good food, like bananas and oatmeal.
- Don’t use that smelly stuff.
- Keep moving, don’t just sit around.
- Wear them warm undies!
And wear them warm undies! None of that lacy stuff. Gotta keep warm. Wool is good. Or that thick cotton, that’s good too. Keeps the cold out, keeps the heat in. Just like putting a blanket on it, you know? If you are cold, your vagina is cold too. If your feet are cold, then you know other parts are cold, too. My mama used to always say, if your feet are cold, put a hat on. Same thing, I reckon. These are very important vaginal tips. Especially in winter, need to be warm.
Now, I heard some folks talking about “moisturizers.” For down there! Can you believe it? Back in my day, we didn’t have none of that. Just good, clean living, that’s all we needed. But I guess if you’re feeling dry down there, maybe it helps. They say it makes things move better. I don’t know about all that. Just seems like a lot of fuss to me. But you need to use it if you feel dry in your vagina.

When it get cold, you can get sick easy. I heard them doctors talk about “vaginal infection“. They say you get itchy, or smell bad, or maybe even some pain. Now, if that happens, you gotta go see a doctor. Don’t be shy about it. They seen it all before. They can give you some medicine to make it better. Don’t go trying to fix it yourself with some old wives’ tale remedy. Go see a doctor, that’s what they’re there for.
Now, this thing about your skin getting old. Well, it happens to all of us. Even down there. Gets all thin and dry, they say. Just like your face. Ain’t nothing you can do about getting old, I reckon. Just gotta make the best of it. That doctor, he said your “vulva” changes, too. I don’t even know what a vulva is. I just call it all the same thing. If it is your private parts, it’s your private parts. What does it need so many names? But, he said it changes, loses that “elastic.” Just means it ain’t as stretchy as it used to be. Oh well.
All that fancy talk, it just comes down to this: take care of yourself. Eat right, keep moving, stay warm, and don’t go putting any of that silly stuff down there. And if something don’t feel right, go see a doctor. That’s all there is to it. Winter or summer, same rules apply. Common sense, it’s your best friend.
Remember, winter vaginas need love, too. It’s part of your body. Just like your hands and feet. If you take care of yourself, you’ll be just fine. Don’t you worry about a thing. This old gal, she knows a thing or two. Just listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs. This is the best vagina help I can give you.
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