Okay, so, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what not to eat before, you know, getting down to business down there. So I decided, why not just try a bunch of stuff out myself and see what happens? I mean, someone’s gotta do it, right?
First things first, I went and made a big ol’ grocery run. I grabbed everything I could think of that might cause some… issues. We’re talking beans, broccoli, a ton of fruit, some yogurt ’cause I heard probiotics are good, and even some of those fiber supplement things. Oh, and water, can’t forget the water.
The Experiment Begins
Day 1: I started the day with a huge bowl of chili. I figured, beans are the classic no-no, so let’s go big or go home. I also had a side of broccoli because, why not double down?
- Result: Let’s just say things got a little… gassy. And not in a fun way. It definitely wasn’t the most comfortable experience, and I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re planning on any close encounters later.
Day 2: Today was all about the fruit. I made myself a massive fruit salad with everything from apples to zucchini. I even threw in some of those fiber supplements for good measure.
- Result: Things moved along… swiftly, to say the least. It wasn’t as bad as the beans, but still not ideal. I was running to the bathroom more often than I’d like.
Day 3: Time for some dairy. I went with yogurt and kefir, thinking the probiotics might help. I also drank a ton of water throughout the day.
- Result: This was actually okay. I felt pretty normal, no major gas or bloating. Maybe there’s something to this whole probiotic thing? I mean, I wasn’t feeling bloated and stuff, so I guess that’s good.
What I Learned
After a few days of experimenting, I can definitely say that what you eat before bottoming makes a difference. Beans and broccoli? Big no. Lots of fruit? Not the best idea. But the yogurt and water combo? Surprisingly okay. But, I can say it’s important to test what food works for you and what doesn’t.

I will keep experimenting though to see what else I should and shouldn’t eat. I’ll keep you guys posted!
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