You know, I heard them young girls talkin’ ’bout them menstrual cups. They say it good for environment, save money too. But one thing keep botherin’ me, and I gotta ask, do them menstrual cups stretch you out? I mean, down there.

I heard some sayin’ it’s impossible, sayin’ it ain’t that big. But I seen them things, some bigger than my thumb! And you gotta put that up there? It just don’t sound right. Makes a body worry, you know? Like, what if it gets stuck? What if it makes things… different? Some girl said “vagina too big for cup”, I don’t think so, but if cup too big for vagina? Uh, that is a problem.
They say it’s made of that silicone, soft and bendy. And it can hold blood, much blood. But still, somethin’ that big, sittin’ up there for hours… I don’t know. They say the body is strong, that it goes back to normal. But what if it don’t? What if you use it for years and years, and then one day, it’s just… stretched? Like an old rubber band, all loose and floppy.
And I hear they come in different sizes. But how you know what size is right? You gotta try them all? That sound crazy. And expensive! I don’t want to be spending money on those menstrual cup that are too big or too small. I need good size.
And then there’s the cleanin’. They say you gotta boil it, keep it real clean. Else you get sick. They say “clean menstrual cup” is very important. Makes sense, I reckon. But what if you forget? Or you’re somewhere you can’t boil water? What then? Lots of questions, these young folks ain’t thinkin’ about.
They say it good for the environment. Less waste, they say. ‘Cause you use the same one over and over. Not like them pads and tampons, throwin’ them away all the time. I guess that’s good. We gotta think ’bout the earth, I suppose. But is it worth the risk? I am not sure. Maybe this menstrual cup is good for teens, for beginners, or for adults, I don’t know.

They also talk about how to put it in, how to take it out. Sounds complicated. Gotta fold it just right, they say. And then when you take it out, gotta be careful not to spill. Sounds messy. They say some menstrual cup have a stem, I think that is for taking out. They say “pull stem“, then it is out. It is easy. They also say “find a right fit”.
- First, wash your hands.
- Second, find your menstrual cup.
- Third, fold it.
- Fourth, put it in your vagina.
- Fifth, that’s it.
And what if it leaks? I seen some women talkin’ ’bout that. Sayin’ it leaked all over. That’s just… no. I can’t be dealin’ with that. Imagine, you’re out somewhere, and it starts leakin’. What you gonna do then?
And they say it’s safe, menstrual cups are safe. Doctors say it’s fine. But doctors said a lot of things were fine, back in the day. Remember that cigarette? They said it was fine. Then everyone got sick. So, you never know, I reckon. Maybe it safe, they say “medical grade silicone“, maybe it is good.
I guess what I’m sayin’ is, I’m just not sure about these menstrual cups. They sound like a good idea, maybe. Save money, good for the earth. But they also sound kinda scary. And messy. And I just don’t know if they’re gonna stretch you out or not. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. I don’t want to find out the hard way. For me, maybe I just stick to what I know.
I know lots of people use menstrual cup, for heavy flow, for light flow, they all use it. Some people even don’t use the stem, they just use their finger to take it out. I don’t know how to do that, sound difficult. They say if you want to remove it, just pull the stem. If your cup don’t have a stem, use your finger. But I think I will just use pads.

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