Oily hair, oily hair, it’s a real pain in the butt. You wash it, you scrub it, and still it looks like you just dipped your head in a bucket of lard. I tell ya, I’ve seen it all. This oily hair thing, it ain’t new. Back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy shampoos, but we had our ways. Here are some homemade treatment for oily hair. So, listen up, you young’uns, maybe you’ll learn somethin’.

First off, this apple cider vinegar. It’s good. My neighbor, she used to have hair greasier than a hog’s belly. She started using this apple cider vinegar stuff, and it helped. Just mix it with some water, you know. Don’t go pourin’ it straight on your head like a fool.
- Apple cider vinegar
- Mix it with water
- Don’t put too much
This thing, baking soda, yeah, that’s the stuff. You can use that too. It’s like, you know, it kinda sucks up the grease. Just a little bit, though. You don’t want your hair feelin’ like a dried-up old prune. This baking soda is good for cleaning your house too. But I remember one time, Old Maggie, she used too much, and her hair was all stiff like she got electrocuted. So, you gotta be careful with that stuff.
Then there’s this plant, what’s it called… Aloe Vera. You know, that green, spiky thing. We used to use it for burns, but it’s good for oily hair, too. You just kinda squeeze the goo out of it and rub it on your head. It’s a bit sticky, but it works. It’s like a miracle plant or somethin’. It is good for oily hair.
Now, some folks say you shouldn’t wash your hair too much. I don’t know about that. Seems to me like if your hair is oily, you should wash it. But hey, what do I know? I just know what worked for us back in the day. Maybe if you got a dry scalp, it’s no good to wash it every day. My scalp always feels dry, like an old piece of leather. But I ain’t got oily hair. That’s a blessing, I guess.
Another thing, don’t use too much of that conditioner stuff. That stuff just makes your hair greasy. Just a tiny bit, on the ends, that’s all you need. And rinse it out good! Don’t leave it in there like some folks do. It’ll make your hair look like you ain’t washed it in a week. It is not good for oily hair.

- Don’t wash your hair too much (maybe)
- Don’t use too much conditioner
- Rinse your hair good
You can also try lemon juice. Yeah, that’s right, just like you put in your tea. It kinda works like the apple cider vinegar, I guess. It cuts the grease. Just be careful, it can make your hair lighter if you stay out in the sun too long. We used to use it to get those yellow stains out of our white clothes, you know. Just don’t put too much, or you’ll be walking around smelling like a lemon pie.
Some people like to use cornstarch. It is good, too. I guess it is like baking soda. It can dry your oily hair. But it is white, so be careful, you don’t want to look like you’ve got dandruff or somethin’. My cousin used to use cornstarch on her baby’s bottom. Said it kept the rash away. Maybe it works the same on your head, who knows.
One time, I saw this girl, she put egg yolks in her hair. Said it was good for oily hair. I don’t know about that. Seems kinda messy to me. But hey, if it works, it works. I’ve heard of stranger things. Just don’t put the whole egg, or it will be hard to clean. Just use the yolk.
- Lemon juice (but not too much)
- Cornstarch (but be careful with the color)
- Egg yolks (if you’re brave)
Now, I ain’t no expert. I’m just tellin’ you what I know. These homemade remedies might work, they might not. It depends on your hair, I guess. But they’re worth a try, right? Cheaper than those fancy shampoos, that’s for sure. And they probably won’t do you no harm.
This oily hair problem, it can be a real bother. Makes you feel all self-conscious and whatnot. But don’t you worry too much about it. There’s always somethin’ you can do. Just try these things and see what works. And if all else fails, you can always just wear a hat, I suppose. I ain’t never had a problem with hats. Hats are good, they cover your greasy hair and you don’t have to be embarrassed anymore.

Anyway, I hope this helps you out some. Remember, keep your chin up, and don’t let that oily hair get you down. There are worse things in life, you know. Like that time the hogs got loose and ate all my prize-winning tomatoes. Now that was a real tragedy.
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