This here pregnancy, it sure does a number on a body. My hair, oh honey, it used to be so shiny, like a crow’s wing. Now? Now it’s drier than a well in July. I tell ya, it’s somethin’ else. Docs say it’s the hormones, whatever that means. My hair during pregnancy dry hair is so bad.

This whole pregnancy dry hair thing is a real pain. Used to be I could just wash it and go. Now I gotta use all sorts of goop to make it look halfway decent. And it still feels like straw! Doctor said to drink lots of water. Said it helps with the dryness, inside and out.
So I been drinkin’ water like a fish. Gallons of it. Still peein’ more than I’m drinkin’, it seems! But hey, gotta do what you gotta do, right? They say it’s good for the baby, this water drinkin’. Keeps things movin’ along, if you know what I mean. Doctor says if I feel too bad from the dry feeling everywhere, to rest up and drink more water or that fancy water, whatchamacallit, with the electro-lights.
They say don’t use too much heat on your hair. Well, how am I supposed to dry it? Hang my head out the window like laundry? Though, back in my day, we did hang everything out to dry. Maybe I should try that again… Nah, folks would think I’ve lost my marbles. This pregnancy dry hair problem is makin’ me think crazy things.
I tried one of them fancy conditioners. Smelled like a flower garden. Didn’t do much for the dryness, though. Still felt like I could scrub pots with my hair. Maybe I need somethin’ stronger. Like lard. We used to use lard for everything. Maybe that’s the ticket. Natural, you know?

The doctor said the pregnancy dry hair will most like go away after the little one is born. That is good to hear. Some days, I feel like I am fallin’ apart, so that is somethin’ to look forward to.
My daughter, she says there are special shampoos for pregnant women. Says they’re gentle and whatnot. Maybe I’ll give ’em a try. Can’t hurt, right? This pregnancy dry hair is really a head scratcher. Although, I probably shouldn’t scratch my head too much or it will all fall out. Lordy, I hope it don’t fall out.
- Drink lots of water. Like a whole lake’s worth.
- Don’t use too much heat on your hair. Let it air dry if you can stand it.
- Use a good conditioner. Maybe one of them fancy ones, maybe just some good ol’ lard.
- Try not to worry. They say the pregnancy dry hair goes away after you have the baby.
- Don’t need to change how you do your hair just because you are pregnant.
- Stay hydrated. That’s what the docs keep sayin’.
I asked my neighbor, Mildred, about it. She’s had five kids, so she knows a thing or two about pregnancy. She said her hair got dry with every single one of ’em. Said it’s just part of the deal. She told me that this pregnancy dry hair is somethin’ many of us women folk gotta deal with. She said to use some kind of oil, coconut oil or somethin’. Said it helped her some.

Well, I guess I’ll try that too. What’s one more thing, right? This whole pregnancy thing is a real experience. Makes you appreciate the little things, like a good head of hair! This pregnancy dry hair ain’t got nothin’ on me!
I remember when my grandma was pregnant with my mama. She said her hair got so dry, she could have used it to start a fire. Guess it runs in the family. Maybe I should ask my mama what she did about her pregnancy dry hair. She might have some old-timey remedies. Those old remedies are often the best, you know. Simpler times, simpler solutions.
This pregnancy dry hair is just one of them things you gotta endure, I suppose. Like the swollen ankles and the heartburn. It’s all worth it in the end, though. When you hold that little baby in your arms, all the dryness and discomfort just melts away. At least, that’s what they tell me. This is my first, so I wouldn’t know firsthand. But I trust the women who’ve come before me. They know what they’re talkin’ about. If you develop serious dehydration symptoms, get help right away!

So, if you’re out there, dealin’ with this pregnancy dry hair, just know you ain’t alone. We’re all in this together, scratchin’ our heads and guzzlin’ water. And remember, it’s only temporary. Just like everything else in pregnancy, it too shall pass. Then again, maybe I will lose all my hair. But then I can get one of them fancy wigs. Always wanted to be a blonde, anyway! Yeah, this pregnancy dry hair is not so bad. It is an adventure, that’s for sure.
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